Tag: encouragment

Goodbye Oregon

As I get ready to leave Oregon tomorrow and drive back home I find my mind wondering.  The above statement is so true.  Voices…the critic – the negative, over critical, guilt creator who wants to stir up fear and doubt.  Then your Inner Wisdom or Higher Self Voice – the truth, reality, from the heart …

Own Who You Are

What does that really mean?  To me that means own your thoughts, own your actions, be you and own it.  Trying doesn’t cut it.  I hear that phrase all of the time.  I’ve used that phrase.  What does that say?  It says maybe.  Maybe is not committing to it.  Maybe says I don’t want it …

Being aware of what’s really going on inside

There are continuous changes happening every day.  Thoughts spiralling up and down.  Body weight fluctuates. Traffic at a time when there normally isn’t.  Showed up at the grocery store today and all the vegetable shelves were empty.  What?  What do you do when these situations arise?  Freak out?  Sometimes….I mean why are there no veggies?  …